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Solving The Learning Engagement Problem

Solving the learning engagement problem: An expert panel discussion with Fuse customers from Joules, Demant and Vodafone.

Learning platforms are meant to engage employees so they can connect with the expertise they need to improve their skills and performance. However, when companies don’t understand how to foster engagement effectively, employees (and the companies they work for!) may end up not reaping the expected benefits of programs and resources on offer.

L&D must partner with the business by tapping into tacit knowledge and SMEs in order to create resources and experiences which drive measurable value and performance.

Steve Dineen, President of Fuse, sat down with a panel of Fuse customers and learning experts to discuss the power of SME learner relationships in driving engagement. Our expert panel included: 

  • Lyn Warren, Retail and People Director at Joules
  • Viivi Vepsä, Learning Architect at Demant
  • Jamie Allen, Communications and LMS specialist at Vodafone
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