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Learner Engagement and Performance: From Correlation to Causation

Speakers: David Wentworth (Principal Analyst at Brandon Hall Group) and Steve Dineen (Founder and President at Fuse)

It’s not enough that learners are completing learning programs. The real question is, are they engaged enough to actually change their behaviour and apply new skills? Are they engaged enough to keep coming back to continuously grow and develop?

Checking the completion box does not mean the outcomes are being achieved. Learners must be truly engaged in the learning if we want their knowledge, skills, behaviour, and ultimately performance, to change and improve.

David Wentworth, Principal Analyst at Brandon Hall Group, and Steve Dineen, Founder and President of Fuse, got together to discuss how companies can shift from a correlation between engagement and performance, to causation.

Highlights included:

  • What is active engagement and why is it critical?
  • How to develop a continuous learning habit
  • A dive into real world case studies
  • How to create engagement that drives performance
compressed_Learner engagement and performace from correlation to causation
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