Crawl, Walk, Run: the first three steps to a more effective L&D strategy
The age of a learning strategy doesn’t necessarily align with its maturity. This webinar will give you the tools to assess the maturity level of your learning function’s core capabilities and find out
They grow up so fast these days, don’t they? But as with children, the age of a learning strategy doesn’t necessarily align with its maturity.
Do you know how mature your learning strategy is? It’s not an easy question to answer. Ideally, you want it to be in line with the future of L&D - but maybe you’ve tried to do that transformation, and it hasn’t worked.
Here’s the thing: it’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t already know where you are. In this webinar, we’ll give you the tools to assess the maturity level of your learning function’s core capabilities. Find out what good really looks like, and discover three easy steps to get on your way.
These things take time, but whether you’re crawling or walking, you’ll be up and running in no time.
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Hear from a panel of industry experts including speakers from Udemy, Easygenerator, and Fuse, to learn why your organisation needs to adapt, how to adapt, and what may happen if you don’t.