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Can You Prove the Value of Your L&D Department?

Speakers: Rachel Hutchinson (Director of Learning and Development at Hilti)

It's a big question. How do you prove business value with L&D? Luckily we have the answer. 

Many of Fuse's clients have transformed their L&D departments, making the significant shift from course order takers into business value creators – and none more so than Hilti.

Catch up with Rachel Hutchinson, Director of Learning & Development at Hilti, as she shares how they flipped the model from starting with learning outcomes and then questioning measurement, to designing backwards from business value.

Together with Don Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Skills Group, Rachel explains the process that they now take, the co-creating teams that work to deliver this, and the journey they have taken to get to this stage along with the challenges they faced getting there.

Want to learn more?

View more webinars in our library

AI Impact Mastery: Revolutionising Learning and Development
8 June, 2024
Fuse Founder and Chairman, Steve Dineen, speaking at World of Learning 2024
AI-Driven Learning Transformation
7 June, 2024
A jam-packed webinar with Lyn Warren and Ritu Kiran discussing how L&D leaders can begin the transformation of L&D, comms and productivity by utilising the power of AI.